----------------john astrop / astrologer / artist / author
What is astrology and how can it help?

The horoscope is purely a diagram of the sky with positions of the planets above and below the earth at the precise moment of the birth of a child. The interpretation of these placings and planetary positions give the astrologer a means of describing both character and potential events in a life with astonishing accuracy.
An individual's horoscope chart is not a fatalistic script for life but more a combination of workshop manual and route map. You don't need to refer to them every day but when you're lost or the machine doesn't seem to be running on all cylinders then the birth chart is invaluable.
The same astrological chart describes a new bom babe or a mature adult. Though it is obvious that experience makes a great contribution, most people have developed and settled into their basic character by the age of seven. Often by this age parental or scholastic pressures have, however well-meaning, contributed to the crushing of creative abilities that flowered earlier. The need in our school system to conform, and have every child at the same stage of education at the same age, turns the joyfully creative little children of the kindergarten into grey, young students trying desperately NOT to be different from their fellows, in a few short years. This habit of not being different continues for most of most people's life. That is, until they hit a crisis which nobody else seems to be having! The crisis almost always turns out to be the manifestation of those frustrated and seemingly unused bits of your psyche screaming for expression.
Astrology can often be the best way to search out and bring back neglected and unexploited parts of yourself in order to enrich and transform the rest of your life.