Sat 15th December to Fri 21st December 2012


If it's not a party week-end then it should be. An old lover turns up out of the blue, if not physically, then certainly in spirit. You're under fire on Tuesday but who's better at getting out of scrapes?. By Friday all is forgiven!.


(Apr.21 - May 21)
Presents for the home!. The old place could do with a face lift. Well at least you feel good. Monday and Tuesday are the extravagant days and you're proud of your good taste. On the 21st a young friend needs your good business advice with a money problem.

(May 22 - Jun.21)
An ex-partner or old friend renews contact but from a surprisingly long way off. Gets you thinking about travel, yourself!. Itchy feet!. You're getting a good balance between work and health. The fitter you feel the better you work. Great!.


(Jun. 22- Jul. 22)
If you're entertaining this week-end, someone is going to be very impressed. Could lead to a profitable return match. Monday and Tuesday are reorganisation days, a little drastic. but long overdue. An extra special family contact coming up for the holidays.

(Jul.23 - Aug.22)
You're well in the public eye this week-end. You get a little well earned appreciation at last. Even finances don't seem quite so shaky from Monday onwards. To top off a good week there's a little free publicity in the offing. Somebody loves you baby.


(Aug.23 - Sep.22)
A lady friend is in an argumentative and supercritical mood this weekend. Keep your cool, and you'll survive the battle with flying colours. Spending on Tuesday will be a pleasure. Could it be your Xmas pressie for yourself?. Just what you wanted!-


(Sep.23 - Oct.23)
An influential friend sends an irresistable invitation. Everyone's keeping secrets at the moment but someone is keeping something from you and, it isn't a Christmas present. Much better, you'll see!. Moon is in Aries your relationship house on the 20th and you're in for a treat..



(Oct.24 - Nov.22)
A little public speaking or performance of some kind is indicated. A get-together on Tuesday will revive an old friendship to mutual advantage. The 19th is sentimental, nostalgic, and comfortable. You've a soft centre, whatever they say about Scorpios.


(Nov.23 - Dec.21)
A contact from abroad is unexpected but good news. Work demands at the beginning of the week are excessive but you're on good form and fitting in a little pleasure with a lot of work is a Sagittarian talent. Happy Holiday soon, you'll have earned it!.



(Dec.22 - Jan.20)
A partner is making all the running this weekend and you take a welcome back seat. An eccentric visitor could throw you off balance later in the week. Great fun, but you'll be happy to enjoy settling down to a modest traditional holiday celebration soon..


(Jan.21 - Feb.18)
Not enough time this week to fit everybody in. Visits, phone calls, shopping. A bit of last minute improvisation in the gift line, gets you out of trouble and admired for your thoughtfulness!. You're getting "new broom" ideas for next year already!


(Feb.19 - Mar.20)
Last minute shopping turns out to be the best. You're thinking about others with a little extra imagination that will be appreciated. The approaching holiday threatens, quietly let the others make the decisions and do the organising. Your turn to lay back and enjoy, and make it last.


Text copyright John Astrop 2012 llustrations copyright Caroline Smith 2009